Home » 產品 » 雪花秀人蔘面膜 SULWHASOO Concentrated Ginseng Renewing Creamy Mask Ex 18g (5片)

雪花秀人蔘面膜 SULWHASOO Concentrated Ginseng Renewing Creamy Mask Ex 18g (5片)


  • 強效人參活顏能量
  • 蘊含滋陰生人參面霜的珍貴人參精髓,初次使用即有助提升肌膚水潤亮澤,煥活清透彈性,讓肌膚綻放緊緻透亮光采
  • 嶄新Double Wrapping Sheet™ 完美貼服迅速滲透
  • 柔軟的納米材質面膜外層,配合完美貼服肌膚的內層,雙效促進活顏滋養深層滲透,不令珍貴精華液殘留雙手
  • 輕盈軟滑灌注水潤滋養
  • 面膜質感綿密柔滑,肌膚感覺水漾輕盈,敷用過程亦輕鬆舒適,絕無精華液滴漏煩惱
  • 功效 :抗衰老, 滋潤 & 亮澤

雪花秀人蔘面膜 SULWHASOO Concentrated Ginseng Renewing Creamy Mask Ex 18g (5片)




以嶄新Double Wrapping Sheet™為肌膚深層灌注滋陰生人參面霜的珍貴滋養,瞬間煥發青春緊緻膚質。

功效 : 抗衰老, 滋潤 & 亮澤



雪花秀SULWHASOO – 人蔘面膜 Concentrated Ginseng Renewing Creamy Mask Ex 18g 使用方法:

  1. 打開裝有口罩下半部的托盤,並將其取出。 小心地撕下口罩背面的薄膜。
  2. 用手握住口罩下半部的上端,將剝離的一側對準嘴部。 將面膜貼合您的臉部,這樣在使用過程中面膜就不會脫落。
  3. 打開裝有口罩上部的托盤,並取出。 小心地撕下口罩背面的薄膜。
  4. 用手握住口罩上部的額頭區域,然後將口罩剝離的一側與您的眼睛、鼻子和額頭對齊。 確保面罩完全覆蓋您的臉部。

SULWHASOO Concentrated Ginseng Renewing Creamy Mask Ex 18g How to Use:

  1. Open the tray containing the lower part of the mask, and take it out. Carefully remove the film on the back of the mask.
  2. Hold the upper end of the lower part of the mask with your hand, and align the peeled side with your mouth. Apply the mask to fit your face, so that it doesn’t peel off while still in use.
  3. Open the tray containing the upper part of the mask, and take it out. Carefully remove the film on the back of the mask.
  4. Hold the forehead area of the upper part of the mask with your hand, then align the peeled side of the mask with your eyes, nose, and forehead. Make sure the mask covers your face completely.



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